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Life As We Know It

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Our spin on current events and life as we know it.  

Entries in this blog

13 Year Anniversary Channelling SAM

It was 13 years ago, June 8, 2006, that SAM came through for the first time and had me commit to working with them as their channel.  To look back now and realize how low consciousness I was in my trust level, in my own personal issues, in the way my life was constructed, it is mind blowing that they would be able to even believe I was ready to channel them. Luckily, because we had worked together in another life or two, where I had already (as a soul) channeled a smaller version of their collec

Maureen & Guides

Maureen & Guides

Seeing A Visual of SAM's 50/50 Analogy

Someone asked me to 'draw out' what the 50 line analogy looks like.  This is how SAM shows it to me in my mind. Here are two different perspectives in the way you can 'see' it. I will refer to this when using examples of 80/20 or 60/40 or 'being at the 50 line' so you understand what this looks like tangibly. Here is my audio copy of the latest show, May 30, 2019 from newsforthesoul.com.    https://www.dropbox.com/s/8dhugwrjwxlfa4o/Radio -50 50 example - May 30 19.mp3?dl=0 co

Maureen & Guides

Maureen & Guides

Why America's Response Gives Guides HOPE - June 21 18

"If the momentum of 'the people' can stay heightened to fight Trump on this immigration issue as well as the other atrocities he is trying to pull, there is hope for USA, and there is hope for the consciousness of the planet." -The Guides I have had requests since writing the blog from the guides about how this Immigration issue is the Hill to Die on (see blog entitled - Immigration/Human Rights - The Hill To Die On -  June 18 18) to give an update of what the guides think of Trump's execut

Maureen & Guides

Maureen & Guides

Immigration/Human Rights - The Hill To Die On - June 18 2018

If you do not stand up on the hill and defend your democracy to annihilate these human rights violations, then you are no better than the countries that you have judged before for similar atrocities. - Maureen & Guides As fully channelled through by Maureen's Guides, a direct message to you from them: Issues in US politics as a mirror for the world to learn from are heating up.  The lessons we need to learn as a consciousness, as a planetary lesson could not be more clear than what

Maureen & Guides

Maureen & Guides

Understanding Our Own Triggers - Ex. Humboldt Broncos

Now before I even start I want to preface this with the following - if what I channel through as perspective angers you, please spare me the comments when you are in a triggered/activated state.  If you get triggered, you need to be responsible enough FOR that trigger to sit with it, figure out what it's really about, before going off half-cocked and responding in a triggered way.  Deal?  Okay, on we go. When the Humboldt Broncos bus crashed on April 6, 2018, and so many people died and wer

Maureen & Guides

Maureen & Guides

Loving Oneself Through The Chaos

I really don't get a pull often to write on this blog, I feel like whatever I have to say, I say on my radio show or say to my clients who are in my groups.  And so if you do want to keep up with current teachings, my Just A Normal Chick That Channels radio show on News For The Soul would be the best way to do that.  http://www.newsforthesoul.com/shows/just-a-normal-chick-who-channels/ However, just for old times' sake, I will give you a bit of an update. If you've read my other blogs,

Maureen & Guides

Maureen & Guides

Sex, Empowerment, and Madonna

"Madonna broke all the rules when women were too oblivious to realize that the rules needed to be broken." Madonna's recent Woman Of The Year award speech for the Billboard Women In Music 2016 has been a stimulus for me to think about her influence over my sexuality and feelings as an empowered woman.  Madonna's Like A Virgin record (no CDs then!) came out when I was just 16, still a virgin myself and just entering into a relationship with my first boyfriend.  Madonna launched into the worl

Maureen & Guides

Maureen & Guides

We Will Get Through This - SAM's perspective on the election of Trump

"...the outcome is that over time, we are going to have a higher consciousness planet as a result of this choice.  Over time, due to experiencing the volatility of this contrast learning, the lesson of love, peace, and tolerance will be learned." - SAM   I have a feeling of great peace overflowing in me and have since about 2 am when SAM started deeply downloading this transmission of their perspective on Trump winning the presidency.  I'm going to channel SAM 'full channel' with their

Maureen & Guides

Maureen & Guides

Fat Chicks Can Float Too

I was gifted with a 'float' (FloatCalm.com - great place, awesome staff) for my 45 birthday.  I have avoided the idea of going for a float even though I have heard how much it can open the mind, due to my fear of claustrophobia.  But when I was pushed to go by receiving this gift, I realized that this could be a great way of moving past my comfort zone, as a way truly of celebrating my birthday.  Go big or go home, right?  So today, as the beginning of a weekend of pushing myself past my comfort

Maureen & Guides

Maureen & Guides

Cooper's Legacy Begins...Can We Keep It Going?

The senselessness of the death of Cooper Nemeth has affected many, as can be seen by the posts being shared on social media.  The Nemeth family has one request, and it is a good one - that as the media releases the name and information of who is accountable for Cooper's death, to NOT send around the posts and pictures of this man.  He does not deserve the attention, even negative attention.  What DOES deserve the attention here is how to see any positive outcomes out of such a tragedy and

Maureen & Guides

Maureen & Guides

Finding the 'True Me'/Detaching From External Mirrors

I haven't written a blog for a long time.  I decided rather than writing a blog because I 'should' (timing wise), that I would only write a blog when I was 'inspired'.  Consider me inspired today.   The last time I wrote a blog, it was about my stubborn need to gain a lot of weight in order to gain a respect for my body.  I thought I had learned all 'my lessons' when it came to my weight gain.  However, my lessons were far from over.  

Maureen & Guides

Maureen & Guides

Bullying - Right Down To The Chickens...

"Every time you shrug and say, "Oh that's a shame" and move on with your lives, you have just driven by the pimp beating the prostitute on the sidewalk for not providing him with enough quality merchandise..." - SAM     I don't consider myself overly political when it comes to social politics - save the whales, save the environment....I find myself in the category of being interested in those articles, wanting to i

Maureen & Guides

Maureen & Guides

Gratitude For Life Through Weight Gain

"By losing energy, flexibility, and mobility, I now have gratitude for health." Hello, my name is Maureen Becker and I am a sugar addict. As a result of my little experiment with SAM over the last 2 years (to eat whatever I crave and want, whenever I want), I have gained one hundred pounds over the last two years. What kind of spirit guide would let their host gain one hundred pounds, only to be considered 'morbidly obese' by any doctor? A smart guide. A brilliant one, actually. I have

Maureen & Guides

Maureen & Guides

Making An Impact - Finding Your Inner Skunk

"No impact is stronger than when it is created by you, just you, as the unique being that you are." - Maureen & Guides I was shopping at Wal-Mart this morning and as I drove into the parking lot my senses were overwhelmed with the scent of skunk. No doubt a skunk had sprayed nearby, and the whole parking lot and inside Wal-Mart had remnants of skunk smell. This got me to thinking - what an impact one little Soul can have - one little skunk, a huge building, tons of people, and everyone

Maureen & Guides

Maureen & Guides

Perspective And 'The Dress'

"If life is simply a matter of perspective, be sure your perspective is the best it can be." - Maureen & Guides If you choose to be a part of social media world at all, I'm sure you have been a part of the debate of the 'blue and black' or 'white and gold' dress in the last week. I too was floored when I saw the dress (I saw white and gold), and realized it was supposedly 'blue and black'. Ironically when I saw The Winnipeg Sun covering this story the next day, the picture of the dress

Maureen & Guides

Maureen & Guides

Happy Non-Valentine's Day?? New Perspective 2018

"Love is given because you feel it, not because you owe it. F*ck Valentine's Day." - Maureen & Guides In my efforts to find something inspiring or even good for a laugh to post on my Facebook page this Friday the 13th, the day before the effervescent holiday that is Valentine's Day, I was disappointed to realize that mostly what was out there was a bunch of dribble. How disappointing. Why couldn't I find something cute and quick to just help people enjoy their day? I watched clips of ba

Maureen & Guides

Maureen & Guides

Racism, Winnipeg, And A Different Perspective

It's pretty hard to miss the uproar in Winnipeg as a result of this Maclean's magazine article. In my efforts to avoid reading the negativity that newspapers offer daily as a glimpse of our reality, I usually skim the paper or internet sites just to keep myself in the know, reminding myself that no journalism is definitely the full truth. However, it was hard to miss the scathing article that was published in Maclean's magazine. The heart of the continent and Friendly Manitobans have become t

Maureen & Guides

Maureen & Guides

Intuition Doesn't Fail Us, We Fail It

"Intuition doesn't fail us, we fail it." - Maureen & Guides This is a pretty powerful quote from the guides if you really think about it. And that's because it's true. We always feel like we are 'not intuitive' or that our 'intuition fails us'. How many times have you said that to someone else? However, it isn't our intuition that fails us, it is our perception and ability to understand what our intuition is saying that fails us. Do you trust your intuition? What percentage of the time

Maureen & Guides

Maureen & Guides

Blog is open...now Guides...time to cooperate....

Hi everyone....it's been a long time to get the new forum and blog working. Still working out the little kinks as we learn to use it with our clients. The way I'm going to use this blog is fully 'divinely timed' - no rules on 'when' I will post, nor 'why'. When the Guides have something to say, they'll urge me to channel it, and I'll do so...right here. And so if you follow this blog, you'll get their latest thoughts as soon as they leave my head and hit the internet. I look forward to

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Maureen & Guides

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