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Seeing A Visual of SAM's 50/50 Analogy

Maureen & Guides


Someone asked me to 'draw out' what the 50 line analogy looks like.  This is how SAM shows it to me in my mind.

Here are two different perspectives in the way you can 'see' it.

I will refer to this when using examples of 80/20 or 60/40 or 'being at the 50 line' so you understand what this looks like tangibly.

Here is my audio copy of the latest show, May 30, 2019 from newsforthesoul.com.    https://www.dropbox.com/s/8dhugwrjwxlfa4o/Radio -50 50 example - May 30 19.mp3?dl=0

copyright Source Within 2020




50 line horizontal.jpg

50 linePortrait.jpg


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