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  • Maureen & Guides

    The Corona Virus - The Opportunity And Gift In These Times - March 17, 2020

    By Maureen & Guides

    "This corona virus is a test for mankind.  It is a litmus test, for where your planet is at. Are you high consciousness enough to get yourselves out of this crisis and into creating better systems that work for all?  Or are you going to let this crisis eat away at you, clearing away your last feelings of hope? It is all perspective." -  SAM  (the collective consciousness Securely Attached to Mankind) We know that many of you are concerned about what is coming in the days ahead, as you see t

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  1. It was 13 years ago, June 8, 2006, that SAM came through for the first time and had me commit to working with them as their channel.  To look back now and realize how low consciousness I was in my trust level, in my own personal issues, in the way my life was constructed, it is mind blowing that they would be able to even believe I was ready to channel them. Luckily, because we had worked together in another life or two, where I had already (as a soul) channeled a smaller version of their collective, my soul had enough faith in them to ‘open’ to them quite easily.  It was me, the ego costume Maureen, that had the trouble with my new channeling gig.  Having grown up in a family that had confused beliefs around spirituality/religion, I had no footing or 'spiritual' belief systems other than my Soul’s to go on.  I grew up being taken to the United Church, for many years, sitting through Sunday school sermons about Jesus walking on water and Moses parting the Red Sea and wondering why anyone was not questioning the validity of these ‘truths’.  One of my parents was an Atheist so in a way this made it easier as I had two opposing views right in the same house. I realize now that was a gift, as it allowed me to realize I could make my own decision about what I believed, versus if both my parents were more devout in their religious beliefs.  I wavered in my belief systems, always, about what I believed. Was there a God? Or a Jesus that was ‘son of God’?  Were there angels?  Was there an afterlife? Is there such a thing as reincarnation?  I had no clue.

    To go from that, to channeling as a multi-channel many different guides and deity figures is farther away from anything I could ever fathom I would do as my career/life purpose.  And yet I find myself more at peace now than ever before in how I see the world, and my place in it.

    Though I struggled for many years in learning to trust SAM and the other guides that I was channelling, I am grateful for those years. SAM used to call me a ‘diamond in the rough’, telling me that one day I would find that my life experiences would slowly buff out the rough edges of that diamond and I would be smooth.  They told me the other day that in their mind, I was finally ‘smooth enough’, and they chuckled.  For them to say that, means a lot to me.  I know I have a long way to go in my own consciousness learning and growth, and so if they see that I am much better than I was, I’ll certainly take that compliment.

    We all are works in progress.  What we are capable of in consciousness one year, we look back the next year and question how we could have been so wrong in how we saw a situation, what we did, what we said, or who we hurt.  And yet at the time, we did the best we could, with the learning we had, and the perceptive lens that we were using to see the situation.  SAM has taught me to accept my imperfections, to realize no matter how long I channel, I will never be perfect.  I will always be human, and a flawed human at that.  All I can ever do, is my best at that time.

    Our reality is constantly changing.  What I believed to be true even in the first few years of channeling SAM, is much more expansive now.  And it will continue to work that way.  My beliefs have changed as I have been exposed to more ‘truths’ about the way the world works, the way we manifest as a collective, the way karma works.  The more they teach, the more I realize, that I know NOTHING.  That what they are teaching is just a drop in a bucket, compared to all the learning and truths there are in this Universe.  That in and of itself is a humbling thought.  Which is why when I hear other psychics or healers or channels talking about different ‘truths’, I realize those could very well be true as well.  SAM has a focus, a certain ‘area of expertise’ that they are to teach, and there are other guides/healers out there that are to teach other areas. This of course makes sense. We often talk about a one ‘universal truth’ but what I am discovering is that there are many aspects to this ‘universal truth’ and in fact on the surface, it won’t seem that there is much of a universal truth at all.  And yet, I’m sure, if we were all able to back up enough to see the full universal ‘bigger picture’ we would see how all these pieces provided by different healers (and even different guides being channeled) would fit together quite nicely.  All we have are some of the puzzle pieces.  The full puzzle hasn’t even been put together yet.  Our planetary consciousness is lacking many pieces.  We are acquiring them piece by piece.

    So that leaves us with two choices – to either continue to seek, to continue to learn, or to stop learning because we believe we have it figured out.  As soon as we find ourselves there, that is where growth stops. There is always more to learn, more perspectives to consider, more depth to be mined through. That is not only what makes this game so fascinating, but rich in its development.  How boring it would be if there really was an end point where we could feel we knew it all, and our only job was to teach that to others.  Who would just want to regurgitate ‘truths’ over and over for the rest of their lives, rather than continue to learn new ones?

    I am grateful that SAM as a collective continues to grow and learn themselves, adding Lego pieces to their own consciousness so that even they receive upgrading.  It keeps the learning fresh and keeps us and them advancing in consciousness, in what we learn either through the groups I run, in private sessions, or through my radio show.  It is this continued ‘newness’ that they offer that has helped my faith grow in them over the years – because I realize if they don’t have the answer or ‘know’ something, they will either tell me they don’t know it, or find an expert out there in universal consciousness that does. They constantly seek too, which makes me trust them more.  This is a game, even for them.

    SAM, you have had faith in me to smooth out my rough edges even before I knew what my rough edges were.  It took me many years of detoxing from unhealthy patterns in my life before I could even see Truth in many ways.  Even when I was lower consciousness than I am at this moment, you loved me.  You respected me. You taught me about 50/50.  You showed me a higher version of myself that I could reach if I just had faith in you and this path.  You supported me through the divorce of my marriage, through the separation of important family members, always reminding me that I deserved to be surrounded by people who could honor and love who I really was, and treat me well.  And by letting some of the old karmic patterns and people go, I have found myself friends who are my family, a lover/partner who is more loving than I could ever imagine experiencing.  All because I trusted you in my darkest days that the templates you showed me as proof of what I deserved, could become true.  And now they are.  I live out these templates daily.  I will be eternally grateful that we do this work together, that you have supported and challenged me through it all, and that you continue to stimulate me to grow in my channeling skills and my skills as a human being.  I am grateful that you grow too, upgrading in consciousness as the problems in our world seem to get more serious, more dire, and you allow new guides to come in as ‘the answer’ to some of my many questions.  My life would never be as emotionally/spiritually rich if you were not in it.  I may be your ‘diamond’ but you are my inspiration to discover the details of this game, what is beyond, and consciousness itself.  With gratitude for these 13 years, SAM.  May there be many more.

    And to my clients, those that came in the earlier years as well as those I currently have now – thank you.  Thank you for being on this journey with me, for asking SAM your questions that gave me answers too.  For expecting more out of me as a channel, as a practitioner, as a human, and thus forcing me to move through my own soul and ego blocks so as to become a better human.  I wouldn’t be doing this work if it wasn’t for you, so gratitude to those of you who come for private sessions, to my EASE and Truth Seeker members, and to all of those folks who listen to my radio show.  Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude.  May we continue to grow and learn together in this great game we call life.


    Copyright 2019 All Rights Reserved

  2. "It has been said that 5G is different than 2G/3G/4G because it is much stronger than the others have been and will now use 'millimetre' waves.  But does that necessarily make it more damaging?  The fear is that these mm wavelengths, which are denser, will affect your body negatively because you will not be able to assimilate these frequencies.  Your body can and will be able to assimilate these frequencies.  Even for those that are sensitive to radiation, already finding yourself debilitated in ways to the radiation that is out there in the world right now, there is hope." - SAM

    More and more, COVID-19 is being connected with 5G in conspiracy theories, saying that all these Coronavirus symptoms are actually as a result of the 5G technology.  We can guarantee you that we are able to see energetically what Corona is and isn’t, and it is NOT related to 5G.  There are too many theories of 5G to even mention, it is seeming that every day on Facebook, at least 3 new people are sharing 5G fears.

    Do you realize that your bodies are incredible vessels, who are capable of energetically re-wiring themselves in order to combat any new assaults on the system?  If they are not capable (as in how some are deeply affected by COVID-19), it is because those bodily systems NEED the shift that Coronavirus provides.  Thus, if there are people who are somewhat affected by 5G waves, they too, need the shift that 5G provides.

    We are going to talk to you about this from the energy field perspective, which ironically, science has yet to be able to really work with and fully understand.  At most, they can acknowledge that it exists.  That leaves much to be desired in the understanding of how your energy field really works, even with the movement forward in quantum physics. When this is looked at through the lens of science only, and not science plus the energy of spiritual capability, unfortunately all assessments of energy fall short.

    Here is the reality – your energy field is being assaulted by things all the time. Whether it is being assaulted by someone else’s energy, your own memories and traumas, or simply health concerns in your body that have weakened your energy field to no longer be as strong and capable of resisting new assaults, at any time, you can feel vulnerable to outside stimuli.

    It has been said that 5G is different than 2G/3G/4G because it is much stronger than the others have been and will now use ‘millimetre’ waves. But does that necessarily make it more damaging?  The fear is that these millimetre wavelengths, which are denser than 2/3/4G waves, will affect your body negatively because you will not be able assimilate these frequencies.

    Your body can and will be able to assimilate these frequencies.

    Even for those that are sensitive to radiation, already finding yourself debilitated in ways to the radiation that is out there in your world right now, there is hope.

    When your cells shift to a higher consciousness template, the frequency of this higher consciousness, allows a different ‘receiving system’ to be embedded within your own cells. Which means, it’s like your own radio receiver has been upgraded, to now hold new information.  So, the higher consciousness you are, the easier it will be for 5G to assimilate.

    The more your cells resonate in victim consciousness, fear, and other low emotional vibrations, think of it as your cells will be denser and unable to ‘hold’ these stronger EMF frequencies. They will bounce off, and not be received or transmitted, making you like a radio that can not get the right station – fuzzy no matter how you turn the dial.  The only way for you to be able to get that radio to work, will be for you to lose the fear and victim consciousness that weighs down your frequency to this degree.

    So yes, as a result of Coronavirus (again, a response by the Universe as a way to give planet earth a much needed re-balancing), you will find that 5G is needed more than ever. The bandwidth problems that are going to be the ‘norm’ now because so many people are using the networks at home since this ‘stay at home’ shift, are going to cause 5G to be necessary.  Is that a conspiracy, the whole point of Coronavirus?  No.

    It is a bonus.

    It is helpful in that some of the innovative technology that you folks haven’t even birthed yet, will be able to birth as a result of 5G.  Just like anything, things can be a double-edged sword. One person can swear by the internet as a way to bring people together of all races, creeds, nations, while another can swear the internet separates everyone, using the same app in fact. And is this not true? It all depends how you humans use your resource.  5G is going to be the same. If you are always in fear, always buying into conspiracy theories which is victim consciousness and ‘the world is not safe’ at its finest, yes, you may be more susceptible, due to this fear, to have some MINOR reactions in health to 5G.  But you would be similarly at risk, to have negative reactions in health, from even a person of higher consciousness standing beside you for many hours at a time, triggering all your trauma to the surface.

    You can not live in a bubble, there will always be new frequency that will potentially challenge your energy field.

    We have a secret, and you’re going to like it - you are downloading new, raised frequencies all the time, if you are on a pathway of true consciousness growth.  For those of you who follow spirituality that resonates on the frequency level of fear, conspiracy, victim consciousness, you are not raising frequency, but ensuring you stay in the lower ‘bandwidth’ of lower consciousness frequency.  For you, you will have to jump out of your need to be a victim, angry/depressed and/or fearful, in order to keep up with the frequencies this earth is needing to shift to higher consciousness and new templates and systems.  But for those spiritual folks who have truly been doing their work, working with their shadow, not getting overloaded with such negative vibrations and lenses, but instead are constantly, month to month, year to year, vibrating at a higher frequency, for you, 5G will be no issue at all.  Just like 2G,3G,4G was no issue. The ‘jump’ in frequency will be no different than the jumps in consciousness that your cells take as part of your growth journey.  You will assimilate it just fine.

    So, if you feel you are sensitive to EMFs and worry about how you will assimilate to 5G, the first thing you can do is STOP filling your mind and energy field with the fear-based, conspiracy-based leaders and websites.  You harm yourself by doing that, because you lower your frequency every day by ruminating in those low consciousness frequencies. Instead, start connecting in with Source, the highest frequency available to you. 

    “Ask your Essence connection to raise your frequency to best assimilate with 5G so that by the time it rolls out in your area, it will not be a challenge to your body or energy field at all.”

    Now, if you ask this, be prepared, for some clearings, some ‘cleanses’, perhaps even some illnesses or fevers moving through you, as a way to clear out your lower consciousness and raise you to a level where you can be a hybrid for these new frequencies.  How often do you have a random flu and look at it as if you were around the wrong people to ‘catch’ something, when truly, your body self-created those symptoms and fever in order to get you to a higher frequency level? (Answer – that happens all the time, and you are none the wiser).

    Ask now, “what prep your body and cells need, to assimilate you more easily to EMFs, and 5G in particular. Ask for healing in the gentlest way possible.”  Stop filling yourself with such negative information, that forces you to live in a state of victim consciousness and fear about your future. What do you think your cells resonate with, as frequency, if you constantly stew in that type of thinking and information?

    If you see yourself as a vessel, and what you become truly is based on what you think and what/who you connect with, you will better understand your true energy field capabilities.

    Your energy field could be basking with the light of Source/All There Is energy, which can handle any man-made frequency, and yet you choose to bask in fear and conspiracy. Does this make sense to you, when looking at it from this perspective?

    If you had a friend who constantly stewed in all that was wrong with herself, was negative about everyone she met, constantly gossiped and put down others, what do you believe her vibration would be? She already mirrors the fact that the world is a scary place, unsafe, and unprotective. So yes, someone like that may feel more sensitive to many stimuli, not just 5G.

    Compare that to a friend who constantly connects in with his Essence connection (Source/God).  He keeps his thoughts more loving and positive. He does not fear the unknown, he relishes the experiences he has yet to discover.  He trusts the future.  He feels safe, always. How do you think he will take in the new frequency of 5G?  Much easier.

    This is fully in your control dear ones. You are not at the whims of the governments who are trying to damage everyone for their own nefarious gain.  Though we do absolutely have mirrors of some narcissists who are pathological in their intent in this world right now (Ex. Trump), it doesn’t mean you take that info to the level that all governments are creating some New World Order to get rid of much of the population.  What consciousness level, if weighed as a frequency, do you think that type of thinking resonates at?  Versus thinking that you control your environment and how you react to it, because you control your vessel (body) and energy field?

    Who has more power over you daily, do you think?  You, or the government?

    Empower yourselves dear ones. Let go of the drivel.  You are so much more than you believe.  Allow Source to teach you how powerful you truly are.  You will be surprised at how much you matter, at how powerful you can be, and how much change you can bring into the world, just by being your Essence-based self.  Be you, in the highest consciousness that you can hold. That is all that is needed, to heal the earth and this game of life.


    From fear into empowerment,


    10 min audio SAM reading of this blog:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/dc0dxee0f17lxic/5G conspiracy - Apr 8 2020.mp3?dl=0


     Copyright Source Within 2020. All Rights Reserved

    If you feel that someone you know would benefit from reading/listening to this perspective, feel free to share.

    For more information on SAM, go to www.sourcewithin.com

    Follow us on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/SourceWithin.Essence/

    There are more than 100 hours of free teachings from the collective consciousness SAM on Just A Normal Chick Who Channels radio podcast - http://www.newsforthesoul.com/shows/just-a-normal-chick-who-channels/#tab2

    To contact the channel of SAM, Maureen Becker - email at maureen@sourcewithin.com

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