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  1. Maureen & Guides

    Why Now? - March 31, 2020

    "There. Are. No. Victims. All there truly is, are Innovators. Birthers of 'the new'. Visionaries who can come up with ways to change the systems that were not working for you (and there were many) so that they work better for all the people, not just a few. Do you realize the opportunity you truly have here folks? How often, does the whole world at the same time, get a chance at rebirth? To literally save the planet from the harm and destruction that you have been ignoring as your individual and collective responsibility to heal?" - SAM Many of you are wondering why this corona virus has to happen now. Many of you realize this virus will affect your upcoming wedding, or graduation, spring sports, or many other losses as a result of this viral ‘inconvenience’. We ask you, is there ever a good time to have an existential shift of your planet? It could be in the middle of winter, where the northern hemisphere can experience temperatures like -30 degrees Celsius or colder. Would that time be better? There is never going to be a time that is good for everyone. The fact that it is occurring now, in 2020 is mother earth’s attempt at giving you clear vision. Many of you joked, as 2019 rolled into 2020, that you hoped you would see things with 2020 vision. Well…aren’t you? What have you already discovered, as a result of this crisis? Are you seeing how little family time or alone time you were creating for yourselves, until it was forced on you? Are you seeing how you valued your drink at Starbucks on a daily basis, more than saving money for a rainy day or emergency? Are you seeing the truth about yourself, when crisis hits, as to whether you keep your balance, or fall into fear and paranoia? There are so many truths that you are going to be seeing as a result of COVID-19, that we might as well nickname it ‘The Balancer’. This balancer is going to show you where you have been ‘off’ in your life, and what path changes can help you be more ‘on track’. For those of you who say, “But SAM, my life was great, I wasn’t off path in any way. Everything was great until COVID-19 came along!!!’, we would ask you to reconsider. If everything was so wonderful, why is the planet in such disarray? Why is there such discord between people of different races, sexual orientations, or polar opposite belief systems? Why is there so much anger, and judgement, and disconnection within your human game of life? Do you have anger about COVID-19 changing your work place, if you are allowed to work at all? Or do you see COVID-19 as an opportunity for rest and redefining what is important in your life? Our perspective is everything. Our own biases create our lens, and it is our lens that we use to judge what is good, and what is bad. What is considered helpful to our growth, and what hinders it. COVID-19 on the surface appears to be quite a hindrance, cancelling life as you know it, essentially. What if your life needed to be interrupted or cancelled? What if the trajectory that all of you were on, (even those of you who felt your life was ‘perfect’), was guiding you all to a massive fail as humans on this planet? This re-set, this re-boot, is saving your ass (for lack of a better term). Without it, you folks would have perished, eventually. This balancer is calling out all that is wrong with your world, with your values, with your priorities. You now have the chance, with so much introspection and time to retreat, to really look at what was considered ‘normal’ in the world, and to question your individual and collective values. Why is it, that healing the planet’s ozone layer/emissions was considered undo-able, and yet already within a few months, there is proof that mother earth’s atmosphere is healing? Why is it that you have needed the utmost contrast, to experience this simple truth? Why is it, that you have needed to be forced inside, in order to actually ‘go within’ yourself, or connect with the others in your household? Were they not important enough as a priority before this? Why is it, that you told yourself it was more important to sign them up for spring sports, run ragged as you go from practices to games, rather than realize that a simple board game or walk together as a family is all that your children require? You have been programmed, and we mean seriously programmed, as a society, to want more. And that even when you have enough, it isn’t enough. You still need to add to your collection of _(insert word here)_ in order to feel that you are successful in life. What if all of that programming, is the absolute opposite of what will truly free you? What if those were never priorities that were necessary for your family’s development, other than what past patterns had told you was ‘normal’? What if introspection, connection with others and within yourself, becomes the new normal? Do you think you would be better off? How many of you, in this time of crisis, other than fear, have been able to have moments of silence, peace, clarity, perfection in knowing that you now have an opportunity to better your life? There are so many opportunities here dear ones, if you can find them. But you have to look. Stop feeling sorry for yourselves. Those of you who are ‘stuck inside’, protected from illness, have it so easy, versus all the workers who are out there for you, keeping essential services running and working to save the lives of you or your loved ones. How sad for you that you must binge watch Netflix in order to pass the time. Your elders had to pass the time while crouched in the trenches, waiting for the command from their officer telling them to advance on the enemy. Would you rather exchange places with them and be in a different kind of war? How grateful are you for the essential workers, who out of their desire to serve and help others, are risking the health of themselves and their families, while you stay safe at home? Does it feel in balance to feel sorry for yourselves, while they risk it all in the name of ‘doing the right thing’? Even for those of you who have potentially had to close your business or have permanently lost your job, this is no accident. It truly isn’t. If you are not able to qualify for the government help, and it seems that your business or finances are in crisis as a result of this ‘balancer’ shift, you have to ask yourself what was out of balance about the work you were doing. If your business or way of creating income is meant to survive, it will survive. Perhaps it will need some minor tweaking or a full overhaul, but if it fits in this ‘new world’, it will fit. If it has no place in this ‘new world’ that is being vibrationally built by everyone as we speak, the alignments for it will deaden, and fall away. Not an accident. Not a punishment. But an opportunity for the new, for you to contribute to this new world with innovative new ideas that carry us forward as a collective. There will be new jobs and innovative businesses, ones that align you more with your true purpose and reason for being here in this time frame. There are no victims here. Even those of you that will get really sick from COVID-19, will need to, for the shift to your cells and consciousness. For those that pass on as a result of COVID- 19, they too as Souls have chosen this exit time, as hard as that is to contemplate. There. Are. No. Victims. All there truly are in this situation, are Innovators. Birthers of the new. Visionaries who can come up with ways to tweak the systems that were not working for you (and there were many), so that they work better for all the people, not just the few. There are also those that are Resistors, Deniers of the truth, Deniers of the shift that is currently occurring. Which would you rather be? Do you realize the opportunity you truly have here folks? How often, does the whole world at the same time, get a chance at rebirth? To literally save the planet from the harm and destruction that you have been trying to ignore your responsibility for? You have a re-do opportunity here. How often do ‘re-dos’ truly come along? Use it wisely. Open your eyes. Open your minds. Open your hearts. Go within and tune into what ‘God’ or ‘Source’ has given you as wisdom and apply it to this problem, and you will see that COVID-19 and this ‘shutdown of the world as you know it’ is not a problem at all. It is the solution and the way forward to a better world. Always here to answer your questions and support you on your journey towards wisdom, SAM 9 minute Audio Version of this blog: https://www.dropbox.com/s/layar6mjfpp2t0m/blog -Why Now - March 31 2020.mp3?dl=0 copyright Source Within 2020. All Rights Reserved. If you feel that someone you know would benefit from reading/listening to this perspective, feel free to share. For more information on SAM, go to www.sourcewithin.com Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SourceWithin.Essence/ There are more than 100 hours of free teachings from the collective consciousness SAM on Just A Normal Chick Who Channels radio podcast - http://www.newsforthesoul.com/shows/just-a-normal-chick-who-channels/#tab2 To contact the channel of SAM, Maureen Becker - email at maureen@sourcewithin.com
  2. "This corona virus is a test for mankind. It is a litmus test, for where your planet is at. Are you high consciousness enough to get yourselves out of this crisis and into creating better systems that work for all? Or are you going to let this crisis eat away at you, clearing away your last feelings of hope? It is all perspective." - SAM (the collective consciousness Securely Attached to Mankind) We know that many of you are concerned about what is coming in the days ahead, as you see the Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic arriving in your country. We can take learning from the countries that this pandemic has already hit – China, South Korea, Italy, as examples. Every country has had a different response, and as a result, different death tolls and viral spread. It is imperative, especially for those of you who are spiritually feeling like you are protected by ‘white light’ and the likes, to understand that your physical body, if susceptible and a vibrational match to this virus, will succumb, just like everyone else. Though shielding yourself with white light and strategies of this nature will help you to raise your vibration and stay calm, they will NOT protect you from contracting the virus, if it is a vibrational match for your body. This virus, as physical as it is, is a vibrational stimulus of sorts. It is here to wipe out those souls who are looking for an exit point, who NEED an exit point, and can not seem to get one any other way. In that sense, it is a gift, for everyone who dies from COVID-19 will have chosen this on a soul level. There will be no accidents. So those of you who are angry, especially in places like Italy, where the overwhelmed doctors and nurses have had to prioritize who gets care and who doesn’t, do not blame them. Your loved one, if they were one of the ones who succumbed to the virus, had chosen on a soul level to exit. There is no one to blame. Why is this important? Right now, everyone is still in a state of fear, panic, and impending doom. For the countries in the middle of the crisis or almost finishing up, they are still in a state of shock and trauma, PTSD. This virus is the catalyst for a massive root chakra re-boot of the whole planet. Your planet has been overrun with greed, corruption, and viruses of human nature – where the rich control what happens (negatively or positively), and the poor suffer the consequences of the actions one way or another. This reboot is a ‘gift from God’, for those who are religiously-bent, or a ‘response by the Universe’ to what many of you have been praying/intending about for months. You have been asking for an end to this greed, injustice, corruption. This is your answer. This reboot allows 3 things to occur: 1. It equalizes the playing field. All classes of people (rich and poor) are going to get this virus, and either heal from it, be ever changed, or die. 2. It allows for new heroes to come forth – people with new ideas of innovation as the old, antiquated systems in health, government, and law burst at the seams from the stimulus of this crisis. 3. The world economy, with the threat of its total collapse, motivates those in power who before were not willing to make grandiose changes, to make grandiose changes to the daily lives of every citizen, especially the most vulnerable. Instead of the focus on the rich, now the focus is on the poor and most vulnerable. This. Is. A. Gift. Are you capable of seeing it as such? For those of you in fear, hoarding toilet paper and cleaning supplies and food, who do you think you are? Is your life more important than your neighbours’ lives? Does it give you pride, for those of you who have actually bought out a whole section of a store, only to turn around and price gouge your fellow man in order to make a buck? You are the epitome of low consciousness, an example of what fear and entitlement can create. At the same time, there are many of you who are displaying higher consciousness behaviors: helping out your neighbours who are immune-supressed or elderly and can not get the supplies they need; working 48 hour shifts as medical staff with the influx of patients, not even having the preventative mask in place for yourself due to the fear-based hoarders; people in government having meetings until the middle of the night as they scramble for what course of action to take; food supply drivers doing extra deliveries to compensate for the panic and empty shelves. There are too many examples to mention. And you, the citizens, even those of you in quarantine, creating a community system where those that are able to can check on the elderly, take care of those in need, be the ones to risk their own contamination in order to help others. The artists who are sharing their talents with others (think Italians singing together from their balconies) so that all who are scared can feel unified and that they are in this together. There are so many heroes emerging, and this dear ones, has been the test. Are you as a planet, worth saving? When you have allowed the environment to be destroyed to the level it is, still some of you denying its very destruction? When you as a citizen decide to no longer watch the news because it is too stressful, all the while giving those in corrupt power more opportunity, with no witnesses, to completely eradicate your current way of life with their cuts and their greed? Now everyone’s eyes are open. WIDE OPEN. It is unfortunate, that human nature is such, that you need to be at risk for dying, or fear your loved ones dying, in order to be awake, and for your true nature to come out (low consciousness or high consciousness), but this is the case. The whole world is aware of the seriousness of this pandemic. You are fighting World War 3, it’s simply with an invisible enemy, until there is proof from those that lay in hospital beds, morgues, or mass graves. Then you have the proof that you are fighting something. The world is being forced to work together here, governments working with other governments, disease experts comparing their studies and knowledge in efforts to find a solution for this virus. Never have you realized you are so interconnected. What happens in one country, will happen in another. This virus does not respond to border closings, or class differences, genders, or race. It takes out who it is vibrationally meant to find release from this earth game at this time, no exceptions. And so….where does one go from here? Learn the lesson. Why is this happening? Is it as a result of some uncaring God who has unleashed this virus on the planet like in the folklore of the ‘end of days’ prophecies of the bible? Not at all. In fact, it is quite the opposite. This virus, in all its contrast, is your solution. It is your chance at re-birthing this whole game that you have been playing on planet earth. It is your opportunity to rebirth the governmental systems that have not been working for everyone, but just some. To make changes to save the environment, as already just in this short time, as a result of these shutdowns, countries are seeing a return to blue skies (less pollution) and animals/plant life returning as a result of your changes. You as a human collective were not on the fast track to make any of these changes to help the environment - how folks have resisted and vilified spokespeople like Greta Thunberg has been proof of that. Governments make change when the risk to not change, is worse than the cost of the change. Change has been forced on you dear ones, as a result of this virus. For this, be grateful. This is hardly comforting for someone who has contracted this virus and nearly died from it, received permanent lung or organ damage as a result. This is no comfort to the loved ones left behind as one of your beloved family members, relatives, friends have passed. But hear this – though on an ego conscious level these folks did not want to contract the virus, their soul did. Your souls needed the hardship, the wake-up call, the re-boot, or the final release. For those that have stayed alive with very few symptoms yet were tested and had the corona virus, you too, have had a re-boot. You just didn’t experience as deep a hardship in order to get this cellular exchange. The fact that many of you are going to get this corona virus over the next few years ultimately (until they come up with a vaccine to stop it), on an energetic level, is a necessary thing. If you are a vibrational match for the virus, it means you have needed to alter your whole cellular structure, your whole belief systems, of who you are and why you are here now on this planet. Those who are religious often dream of ‘the second coming’ where Jesus arrives again to save those believers and condemn the rest. This virus is the next best thing. Not that it condemns anyone (those that die have not been condemned, they have been released from their contracts so they can help earth from the other side). Instead, this virus, this ‘second coming’, allows the re-boot that one would expect from a ‘God’ deity figure coming to the world to ‘save’ those who deserve saving. Do YOU deserve saving? The way you have been living your life up until now, if there was a ‘second coming’ of any nature, would you make the cut? What is your general vibration and outlook on the world? Do you see yourself as responsible for this world, and your part in it? Do you hold yourself accountable for every action you take, to make this world a better place or worse one? Do you ask yourself what your purpose is in being on this planet at this time, and try to serve those around you with an open heart and mind? Or, are you one of the ones who right now, are coming up with a worthwhile scam to prey on the fear of the vulnerable? Like the scam asking for credit cards in order to send antibiotics to those sick with Corona virus? Or the few who have bought so many supplies in order to profit, they now have a garage full of them, while the hospitals lack the sanitizers, cleaning supplies and masks to protect themselves? In any crisis or hardship, you as humans have a choice. You can be the hero or the villain. You can be the ones partying in clubs and restaurants, because the virus is not supposed to hurt your age group, while not caring that you will be a carrier of this virus to more vulnerable groups at a later date. Are you that self-centered and self-possessed, that you do not care about your fellow man? This virus is a test for mankind. It is a litmus test, for where your planet is at. Are you high consciousness enough to get yourselves out of this crisis and into creating better systems that work for the all? Or are you going to let this crisis eat away at you, clearing away your last feelings of hope? It is all perspective. There are going to be so many changes that are going to take place, as a result of this rebirth. With so many people at homes and not able to work, new systems will have to be put in place, ones that you can not even fathom at this moment. Look back two months from now and see how much your world has changed. It would not happen through benevolence. Unfortunately, it has needed to happen through fear and the threat of death, for otherwise the human nature is to ‘wait and do nothing’. So, you can be the high consciousness person who uses your integrity, innovation and wisdom to help create these new systems and way of life. Or you can be the low consciousness person who hurts another to save themselves. Those are the choices. There is no longer an opportunity to just sit on the sidelines and let the earth’s problems be another’s issue to solve. This virus affects every person (even if it is just with your fear of contracting it or reaction to a loved one getting it) and so the re-boot affects everyone. Which is the point. So…are you going to make this a gift, or a curse? The choice is up to you. Choose wisely. This opportunity is quite easy path. Would you prefer an actual World War 3, nuclear fallout, significant natural disasters all at once? You are being asked to sit in your homes, with access to food, water, electricity, internet. This is an opportunity for you to rediscover who you really are, when you are not a part of the rat race. To rediscover your purpose. To go within. Yes, you could simply watch Netflix and wait out this crisis, but we’ll tell you a little secret. Since this is a global lesson to learn, the more of you who just ‘check out’ and do not go inward as to why all of this is happening, the longer your quarantine will last. The potential is months. The sooner this virus as the teacher, effectively teaches you the students, the sooner it will be over. So, how good a learner are you? With respect for this game of life and all its inhabitants who make efforts every day to make this world a better place, SAM copyright Source Within 2020 All Rights Reserved If you feel that someone you know would benefit from reading this perspective, feel free to share. For more information on SAM, go to www.sourcewithin.com Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SourceWithin.Essence/ There are more than 100 hours of free teachings from the collective consciousness SAM on Just A Normal Chick Who Channels radio podcast - http://www.newsforthesoul.com/shows/just-a-normal-chick-who-channels/#tab2 To contact the channel of SAM, Maureen Becker - email at maureen@sourcewithin.com
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